Visit to Sabrina Bridge
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, a number of pupils from first the Sixth Form, and then Year Eleven, visited the Sabrina Bridge site to see the work that is being carried out there. We were lucky enough to be able to speak to the structural engineers from Jacobs and Griffiths who have been involved in the project since the beginning. It really is incredible to see the work being done there as the cranes needed to lift the huge sections of the bridge are truly enormous.
We were taken through the process of the bridge’s renovation from start to finish and were lucky enough to witness the work being done to the cables and preparations for the heavy lifting too. It was interesting to have the different processes explained to us and how tiny adjustments can affect many different elements of the bridge structure.
The engineers then went on to tell us how they got into Engineering and the different pathways that led them to the same endpoint. One engineer had studied in Italy and was now managing the project, another had come up through the apprenticeship route from leaving school aged 16 and the main structural engineer had also studied at University level and completed a Masters degree.
These are all very different career pathways but the engineers are now working together alongside a team of other specialists to produce a project that will benefit Worcester for years to come.
Mrs Sofia Nicholls, Head of Careers