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Pre-Preparatory School

Year One and Two

As your child moves into our Pre-Prep department in Year One and Year Two, they are offered a creative and imaginative learning environment.

every child is nurtured as an individual, boosting self-esteem and providing a solid stepping stone to prep school.

Small classes and individual focus

In these years, we continue to build on the knowledge and skills acquired in reception with our thematic curriculum. Our teachers offer rich and exciting experiences with regular trips, visitors and plenty of opportunities for hands-on investigation and problem-solving. Your child will also continue to benefit from the specialist teaching lessons introduced during reception.

Class sizes remain small, which allows your child to be given the individual focus that they require at this age. Every child is nurtured as an individual, boosting self-esteem and providing a solid stepping stone to Prep School. We help pupils to understand their individual strengths and encourage them to celebrate their successes and those of other children.

Pre-Prep School life

In Year Two, your child will have the opportunity to go on their first residential school trip. This is a very exciting time for them, where they will develop independence, improve confidence, embed relationships and make lifelong memories.

Children are also introduced to our Digital Learning Programme (DLP) during Pre-Prep School, where they will be provided with class iPads to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. The DLP is taught alongside traditional educational practices and is part of our blended learning philosophy in all three RGS Schools.

During these important years at Pre-Prep School, pupils will become familiar with Prep School departments, facilities and teachers. This smooth transition helps to prepare children for their next years at RGS Springfield.

during these important years at pre-prep school, pupils will become familiar with prep school departments, facilities and teachers.

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