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Wrap around care

Before and After School Care

We understand that being a working parent can prove a juggling act. Our flexible wrap around provision, which is free of charge, removes one of the balls. Your child can enjoy an extended school day from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm; you can concentrate on work, safe in the knowledge that your child is with friends being cared for by qualified staff.

We also run a breakfast club from 7.45 am, which provides cereal, fruit, and warm croissants for a small charge; useful on the days when time is tight at home.

your child might participate in organised clubs and activities, or relax with friends and play games.

What sort of things will my child do in after school club?

In the Pre-prep years, the focus is on providing stimulating and fun activities balanced with quieter moments if your child is tired at the end of the school day.

At Prep School age, your child might participate in organised clubs and activities after school (a welcome farewell to the parent taxi service!). If not, your child can relax with friends, play games, or take part in craft activities. As they get older, you might find that supervised homework sessions become popular. This allows your child to complete homework in a quiet, studious environment supervised by a member of our teaching staff. This frees up the evening for rest and relaxation when you all get home. 

A separate Homework Club will be available to your daughter in the Senior School. Supervised by a member of the teaching staff, it runs daily from 4.00pm – 6.00pm and provides a quiet and comfortable place to focus and study, free from distractions.

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