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Nursery Food and Menus

Instilling healthy eating habits

Here at RGS, we recognise the importance of nursery food in all of our nursery schools. It is vital that healthy eating habits are instilled in children from a young age. A nutritious, balanced diet combined with physical activity is essential to a child’s long-term development and are also associated with improved learning and behaviour.

Young children grow quickly and have high energy and nutrient requirements. Being small, they tend to eat smaller amounts and more regularly, so it is important for them to have regular meals and snacks that contain the energy and nutrients to meet their growing needs.

Children need a balanced diet to prevent a range of potential health issues in childhood and later life. We make sure that our nursery menus and food meet all requirements for a balanced diet.

You can find more detail about the Nursery food and menus at any of our three nursery schools on these pages:

RGS Springfield Nursery

RGS The Grange Nursery

RGS Dodderhill Nursery

Nursery food policy

Our nursery menus here at RGS Worcester are developed based on current government dietary recommendations that have been jointly developed by the Department for Education, the Department of Health and Public Health England.

Menus for our nursery children are based on the following four food groups that provide the appropriate amount of nutrients and energy required for a child’s health and development:

Ensuring menus offer a wide variety of food and drinks from these food groups not only ensure that a good balance of nutrients are consumed, but also offers a variety of different foods, tastes, textures and colours for children across each day to meet the needs of growing children.

At RGS Worcester nurseries we believe that healthy eating is not just about what we serve on a plate, it is about educating children and giving them the knowledge required for them to make healthy choices as they grow and gain independence.

  • Starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread, rice and pasta
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Proteins including beans, pulses, fish, eggs and meat
  • Dairy and alternatives

Ensuring menus offer a wide variety of food and drinks from these food groups not only ensure that a good balance of nutrients are consumed, but also offers a variety of different foods, tastes, textures and colours for children across each day to meet the needs of growing children.

At RGS Worcester nurseries we believe that healthy eating is not just about what we serve on a plate, it is about educating children and giving them the knowledge required for them to make healthy choices as they grow and gain independence.

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