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Senior School

Providing opportunity to find interests and pursue passions

The RGS Family of Schools offer an outstanding education from two Senior Schools. Our Senior School in Worcester, RGS Worcester, is situated in the City Centre and is open to boys and girls from 11 – 18 years. RGS Dodderhill is located in Droitwich Spa, is a Senior School setting for girls only from 11 – 16 years.

Senior school education is a crucial stage in a pupil’s academic journey. Pupils are exposed to a wide range of subjects, focusing on in-depth learning and independent study. Senior education equips pupils with essential skills and knowledge that prepare them for higher education and the workforce. It also provides opportunities for personal growth, allowing pupils to discover their interests and passions and develop leadership and teamwork skills.

we focus on stimulating and engaging our pupils in their studies, pushing them to become active learners rather than mere recipients of information.

Teaching and Learning Approaches

At Senior School, the focus moves towards preparing pupils for GCSE. Teaching and learning are focused on developing critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and independence in learning. Teachers work closely with pupils to identify their strengths and areas for improvement and provide tailored support to help them achieve their academic goals. At the same time, Senior School pupils are encouraged to take on more responsibility for their learning, with opportunities to explore their interests and take on independent research projects. Through a combination of traditional classroom teaching, group discussions, and individual study, your child will develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their future academic and professional endeavours.

Our goal is to stimulate and engage our pupils in their studies, pushing them to become active learners rather than mere recipients of information. Modern approaches such as the Digital Learning Programme, combined with the expertise of skilled teachers, create a dynamic and immersive learning environment at our Senior Schools.

“pupils’ attitudes to learning are excellent, and at all ages, they make full use of the opportunities provided by the school’s successful digital learning programme.”. – isi inspection

Well-rounded Curriculum and Academic Success

RGS Senior Schools have a long history of achieving outstanding GCSE exam results and also attaining excellent value-added scores, calculated when pupils achieve final examination results.

In the Lower School (Years Seven and Eight), we offer a comprehensive and well-rounded curriculum and collaborate closely with our feeder schools to ensure a seamless transition to the Senior School. By Year Nine, we introduce a greater emphasis on Core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Sciences, and Modern Foreign Languages while still allowing pupils to explore topics such as Creative Arts, Latin and Classics, or Computer Science. As pupils progress into their GCSE years (Years Ten and Eleven), we offer a personalised curriculum tailored to pupils’ needs, interests and talents.

At both of our Senior Schools, we understand the individual uniqueness of each child, and we provide a tailored learning experience based on their requirements. Should your child encounter difficulties with certain areas of the curriculum, our team of specialised subject teachers and SENCo, who are highly experienced and well-qualified, will provide the necessary support. If your child is very able, they will find challenge and extension within the gifted and talented programme. This individual approach is one of the reasons that our Senior Schools are consistently at the top of the Worcestershire League Tables for our GCSE results.

Senior School is where the Digital Learning Programme truly shines, as it enables pupils to keep their lessons, coursework, and graded assignments all organised in a single electronic repository.

Developing interests beyond the classroom

Our Senior Schools strive to empower pupils to reach their full potential across a diverse spectrum of academic, practical, creative, and physical endeavours. The majority of Year Ten pupils actively participate in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, fostering self-assurance, perseverance, independence, and teamwork.

One of the many benefits of an RGS Senior School is the time dedicated to pursuits beyond the classroom. All pupils engage in a wide array of Co-Curricular activities, including Performing Arts, Sports, Music, Art and Textiles, which all contribute to their personal growth. We are very proud to have several pupils who compete at County, Regional and National levels across a wide range of Sports. In addition to the core Co-Curricular subjects, our Senior Schools offer over 120 clubs and societies, ranging from Astronomy to Wind Band, so pupils can enjoy busy lunchtimes and after-school sessions exploring new interests or developing their understanding and skills in existing ones. If your child has an interest we don’t yet cover in our Clubs and Societies, we will try to start a club for them.

all pupils engage in a wide array of co-curricular activities, including performing arts, sports, music, art and textiles.

Well-being, empathy and inclusivity

We delight in seeing happy children enjoying their time at school, but we realise that adolescence can bring challenges and pressures. We take great pride in supporting every pupil, ensuring they feel a valuable part of the RGS family. Pastoral care takes centre stage in ensuring the well-being and holistic development of our pupils. Our dedicated pastoral team is committed to providing a nurturing and supportive environment. Each child is assigned a personal tutor who acts as their primary point of contact, offering guidance, support, and encouragement throughout their academic journey. Regular one-on-one meetings and group sessions allow pupils to discuss their academic progress, personal concerns, and future aspirations. Our Senior Schools place great emphasis on fostering positive relationships and creating a sense of belonging within the RGS community. We have established a strong network of peer support programs where older pupils mentor and assist younger ones, promoting a culture of kindness, empathy, and inclusivity. Additionally, we organise well-being workshops, mindfulness sessions, and awareness campaigns to promote mental health and overall wellness.

Our pupils regularly tell us they are happy and feel included, which can often be the first hurdle in achieving academic success. Through our individual approach, we work hard to equip our pupils with the confidence, strength and self-belief that will allow them to realise their potential and lead fulfilling lives, both during their time at RGS and beyond.

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