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Community working in Worcestershire

Ukrainian families welcomed to community event

Following the successful fundraising and charity drive, three team members took to the Ukraine / Romanian border to provide essential items. The RGS Worcester Family of Schools are delighted to further extend their support to Ukrainian families in Worcestershire itself.

RGS Worcester opened its facilities to support and bring together the Ukrainian community and their host families.

Ukrainian families from across the Worcestershire area and beyond were welcomed to RGS Worcester to come together over a cup of tea and cake, where they could have their own space to talk, listen and confide in each other, with the aim of building a supportive community network in the area.  

RGS Worcester provided translation support, and key Worcester Support Services were contacted in the hope that they would be able to send personnel to offer advice and guidance as required. 

Language Fiesta

RGS Worcester Sparks Multilingual Excitement with Primary Schools

RGS Worcester recently organised a Modern Foreign Languages Outreach morning with our local primary schools, welcoming 95 pupils. The event aimed to celebrate Modern Foreign Languages and promote cultural understanding to support the local schools’ Languages provision.

During the Outreach morning, partner pupils had the opportunity to experience three languages lessons: French, German, and Spanish. In addition to the lessons, various activities were available for the pupils: they played a French card game, engaged in a German ‘What am I?’ game, and enjoyed a dice game in Spanish to construct sentences. To enhance the cultural experience, food from each country was served including churros from Spain, pretzels from Germany, and croissants from France – the delicacies were enjoyed by all of the pupils!

The primary aim of these Outreach events is to develop an interest and excitement for learning, in this case for foreign languages and experiencing different cultures. While French is often studied in primary schools, the addition of German and Spanish lessons and experiences helps broaden an understanding of the importance of different languages. The Outreach morning was led by older pupils from RGS Worcester, enabling them to engage in working with younger pupils and sharing their own love of languages.

The visiting pupils greatly benefited from the interactive language and cultural activities, and their teachers commented that they can share their newfound knowledge with their classmates within their own schools.

“thank you again for inviting us. our children really enjoyed all of the sessions and came away with a newfound enjoyment of learning languages! please pass on our thanks to the language department and all of your students.”

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