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Inspection Reports

Take a look at our reports

RGS Springfield was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in March 2022. The Inspection included RGS Senior School and the two Prep Schools RGS Springfield and RGS The Grange. The Inspectors concluded that all three Schools were ‘Excellent’ in all areas.

The Key Findings from the report are detailed below for ease of reference, and we are particularly pleased that the Inspectors recognised the pupils’ high levels of achievement and personal development and the “self-awareness, self-assurance” and also the “self-effacing” nature of our pupils.

Key findings (page 8)

3.1  The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

  • Pupils make excellent progress throughout their time at the prep and senior schools, achieving increasingly strong results in external examinations.
  •  Pupils demonstrate excellent skills, knowledge and understanding across the academic disciplines in all areas and throughout the school.
  • Pupils have well-developed creative and physical skills, producing some exceptional art and a very high level of performance in drama, music and sport.
  • Pupils are excellent communicators and have exceptional speaking and listening skills, reflected in the school’s strong record in debating.
  • Pupils’ attitudes to learning are excellent, and at all ages, they make full use of the opportunities provided by the school’s successful digital learning programme.

3.2  The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.

  • Pupils have excellent self-awareness, are self-assured, self-effacing and value being allowed to develop as individuals.
  • Pupils are loyal to each other and the school, but this does not inhibit them from challenges, and they show enthusiasm to contribute to change.
  • Pupils have an excellent spiritual understanding that, with age, develops beyond the observational.
  • Pupils have a strong moral awareness and excellent social skills for their age, and many take an active part in the life of the school and city.

ISI Inspection Report 2022

The three RGS Schools had an ISI Compliance Inspection in March 2018.  The Schools were found to be compliant in all areas, and there were no recommendations made.  The report is below:

Compliance Report

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